CanuckingAbroad / Sexpats
Sexpat (noun) is a compound of a sex tourist and an expatriate. The infamous ‘sex tourist’ is one who, at home would strike out in a brothel, travels to cheap countries for the purpose of having sex with young local women or men. Far away countries provide the privacy, anonymity and guilty pleasures which they cannot receive at home, often where their families live. They pay for the time and affection of these young prostitutes and stand for everything that is wrong with tourism in Asia. They are predominantly native to the western lands, but being the nomadic creatures that they are, flock to Asia like a yearly goose migration to the south. Some general characteristics include male pattern baldness, beer bellies, loose and weathered skin, a horrible sense of fashion consisting of full strap sandals and fanny packs, and the natural charm of a manic-depressive, however, they can come in many looks and styles. These mythical beasts can be seen in all parts of Asia, frequenting the bars where these young ladies, men, and trannies hang out and ‘work’. They will wine and dine them, and engage in off-putting carnal relations to feel the pride they cannot achieve in their own countries. Now the difference between a sex tourist and a sexpat is that the sexpat must reside in the country abroad. They have been known to marry and settle down with these women by providing illusions of a better life. After touring Asia for the last 4 months, I have been continually grossed out by these tourists and feel I need to do something about it. So I figured the best and most fun way I know how is to publicly embarrass them. So I will take pictures and videos to post on my blog. I encourage you to do the same and send them my way. Cheers.
SexPat in the Doghouse!

About me
Some info
I am a 29 year old Canadian who has been traveling and chasing experiences over the last as long as I can remember with no plan or ultimate destination. My thirst for adventure has...